Sunday, June 27, 2010

Red Dead Redemption Ending

From the upset of bombing out of the world cup, to even more upset.......

The ending of Red Dead Redemption.

Need I say any more.....

I won't give the ending away as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but for the first time ever, I was deeply upset by the ending. I didn't see it coming at all!

I have to congratulate Rockstar on a job well done on this one.

Although it does have it's flaws both online and offline, the originality and the captivating story has kept me entertained and I'm not far from getting my 100% complete (A ritual I have with all Rockstar games).

I still have some things left to do so I can play on but I'll never forget this one for such an Epic ending (despite the fact I've read on the Internet that a lot of people thought it was unoriginal).

In the meantime if anyone wishes to catch me online, my PSN name is: ownjoouk

England Bomb Out of the World Cup

So..... England have finally been knocked out of the World Cup. To be honest, I didn't expect them to get that far after such disappointing performances.

Sunday was no different.

A poor performance from England ensured football certainly wouldn't be coming home. Infact, the only thing coming home are a group of adulterers and a dodgy goal keeper.

I think it's about time our nation stopped with the expectation. Like with most sports it appears we have aren't as good as our fans assume we should be.

Maybe if we stop expecting so much, we might actually achieve something!

Here's to the Euro's and to the next World Cup.