Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weird Exoplanet Discovered Orbiting Two Stars

If you could stand on the surface of Kepler-16b, you'd have two shadows. At sunset, you would see an orange star about the size of the sun and next to it a much fainter red star. As the stars slipped toward the horizon, they would change places in the sky, like partners in a square dance.

You would not need to be Luke Skywalker visiting his home planet of Tatooine in the movie "Star Wars" to watch the twin sunset. The only science fiction in this story is how to make the 200 light-year journey to Kepler-16, a binary star system jointly sharing the Saturn-sized planet, Kepler-16b.

The finding, reported by scientists on NASA's Kepler planet-hunting space telescope team, adds a new page into Mother Nature's recipe book for extrasolar planets.

"It's the first one that circles two stars, so it's a fundamentally different kind of planet," lead researcher Laurance Doyle, with the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., told Discovery News.

From a distance about as far as Venus orbits the sun, Kepler-16b circles both its parent stars in 221 days. The stars, which on average have about 21 million miles between them, fly around each other about every 41 days.

The whole system is perfectly aligned to Kepler's viewing spot, with the bodies crossing paths so that tiny amounts of their radiating starlight regularly, repeatedly and predictably vanish and reappear as the stars and the planet fly past one another.

The telescope points at a fixed position in space, looking for changes in light streaming from about 155,000 target stars in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.
Because the Kepler-16 system is so perfectly aligned, scientists believe the planet formed alongside its parent stars from a common disk of gas and dust. The plane in which the two stars orbit is aligned within one-third of a degree of the orbit of the planet.

"It shows the gears of celestial mechanics turning and interlocking so vividly, you almost want to reach out and touch it," exoplanet scientist Marc Kuchner, with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., told Discovery News.

"Kepler himself would have been dizzy with excitement," he added, referring to the telescope's namesake, Johannes Kepler, the 16th century scientist who deduced the laws of planetary motion.

Both the Kepler-16 stars are smaller than the sun, so their planet lives largely outside the so-called habitable zone where liquid water could exist on its surface. Water is believed to be an essential ingredient for life as we know it.

The planet is estimated to experience temperatures that plummet from -100 to -150 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 to -100 degrees Celsius).

Timing also played a role in the discovery, notes Doyle. Computer models show that in early 2018, the planetary transits across the larger star will disappear from Kepler' view until around 2042. The passages across the smaller star's face, already slipping from view, will vanish in May 2014, and won't be back for 35 years.

"Working in film, we often are tasked with creating something never before seen," said John Knoll a visual effects supervisor with Lucasfilm, developer of the "Star Wars" movies. "More often than not, scientific discoveries prove to be more spectacular than anything we imagine."

Story and source: Discovery

Monday, September 26, 2011

Drunk Moose Found in Tree

A seemingly intoxicated moose has been discovered entangled in an apple tree by a stunned Swede.

Per Johansson, 45, says he heard a roar from his vacationing neighbor's garden in southwestern Sweden late Tuesday and went to have a look. There, he found a female moose kicking about in the tree. The animal was likely drunk from eating fermented apples.

With the help of police and rescue services, Johansson later managed to set the moose free in part by sawing off tree branches.
But the animal appeared confused and wandered into Johansson's garden, where she was still resting Thursday.

Other neighbors in the Goteborg suburb Saro had seen the animal sneaking around the area for days. Johansson said the moose appeared to be sick, drunk, or "half-stupid."

Story & source: Telegraph

UFO sightings on the increase

According to an organization that tracks UFO reports, this summer has been an especially busy period for UFO sightings. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) noted that sightings increased over the past six weeks, with some states more than doubling their normal numbers.

Are we on the cusp of an alien invasion? Or maybe people just have more time on their hands to spot — and report — strange things in the sky?
More space news from MSNBC Tech & Science Curacao takes another step toward space tourism.

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: XCOR Aerospace and a tourist venture in Curacao flesh out a deal worth more than $10 million to offer rocket plane rides on the Caribbean island.

MUFON International Director Clifford Clift told Life's Little Mysteries that he's not sure what to make of the data at this point. It could be the start of something big, or it could merely be a computer glitch that accidentally counted some reports twice. Another possibility is that we're simply in the midst of a "UFO flap," one of many periodic increases in sightings over the years.
There are several reasons UFOs might appear in flaps, or clusters. One is that objects in the sky are usually seen by many people, especially when they appear over urban areas. UFOs typically don't hover close to Earth or in someone's back yard; instead, they are often sighted high in the sky — just far enough away so that we can't see details or get sharp photos.

Thus, whatever a particular UFO really is — a plane, a comet, an extraterrestrial spacecraft or something else — that one object or strange light in the sky could trigger hundreds, or even thousands, of reports. And even reports of the same object will probably differ depending on the reporter's perspective.

So if there were hundreds of UFO reports in a state during a given period, it's important to know how those reports were categorized because it might mean hundreds of different UFOs were sighted by single individuals, or that one UFO was sighted by hundreds of people.

There are also psychological and social explanations. Sightings are often fueled by the mass media; people read about mysterious things or see TV shows about them, and interest or concern about them spreads from person to person. It's not that anyone is hoaxing or making up sightings: Research has shown that if you tell people what to look for (a phenomenon called "priming"), people will often see what they are looking for — whether those things exist or not.

As Clift noted, "It's likely that the media and (alien-themed) movies that are coming out, like 'Apollo 18 ' and 'Paul,' are piquing people's interest in UFOs." People hear about UFOs, and for a while they tend to look at the sky more often, wondering if they might have their own sighting. And precisely because people are spending more time looking at the sky, they will for the first time notice (normal) lights and objects that have always been there.

So it may not be that UFOs are actually appearing more often, but instead we're noticing them more. An identical process can be found in the medical field, where an increase in reports of a disease may not represent an increase in the actual number of cases, but instead reflects more public awareness of the disease or better screening techniques. In other words, scientists know that just because more people report a phenomenon does not necessarily mean the phenomenon is occurring more often.

Why might UFOs be seen more often in the summer months? One possibility is that people spend more time outdoors; we spend warm nights outside at parties and barbecues, thus we have more opportunity to notice things in the sky than in the winter when we're inside watching television. That said, Clift pointed out that his organization doesn't normally see such dramatic seasonal increases in reports.

Whether the increase in sightings is rooted in reality, a computer glitch or psychological and social influences remains to be seen. One thing is certain: This is not the first time that UFO reports have increased, and it won't be the last.

Story and source: MSNBC

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Root your X10 and run android like it's supposed to be!

Been asked a few times to stick the root guide for Xperia X10 on here, so here it is.

Again, like my LG Root Guide I take NO CREDIT for this. This is all done by a highly skilled android community and all thank can go to them HERE.

I have simply copied and pasted this guide from XDA.

Please follow this guide carefully and if you require help, join XDA and ask there.

If you do this successfully it would make sense to check out CM7.
The rooting part is for Stock SE 2.3.3 FW... 
The installing recovery part is for all ROMs based on SE 2.3.3 FW... if the Dev of ur ROM has not yet included the latest xRecovery posted by Z ONLY then install the recovery! else wait for the ROM dev to include it in that ROM..

i am posting this because many ppl are getting confused over the slightly "complicated" process...

i have personally verified all the below steps atleast 4 times! and it works properly! please follow the below instructions step by step...

[ Credits ]
  1. Bin4ry & Androxyde for their work on Flashtool
  2. aZuZu for finding this rooting solution! aZuZu u are super awesome!!!
  3. zdzihu for fixed xRecovery-0.3 for GB! thanks Z u are a life saver 
  4. me, for making it friendly 


[ Requirement ]
  1. Stock SE 2.3.3 firmware/custom 2.3.3 ROM (if u want to update/install xRecovery the simple way)
  2. my modified Flashtool package posted below

[ Whats Included? ]
  1. modified Flashtool package
  2. aZuZu's FTF files posted for rooting
  3. zdzihu's xRecovery-0.3-GBready (with all fixes made by Z)

[ Downloads ]

FlashTool_0.2.9.1-GBready_root_xRec [ Mirrors ]
  1. Just download and double click on the downloaded file
  2. it will ask where u want to install/extract, browse to that folder then click on "Extract"
  3. once its extracted go into that folder and u can now launch Flashtool using X10FlashTool.exe

[ How To: Root ] (all credits for finding this method go to aZuZu)

looking at the files posted by aZuZu i can tell u that this will work on ALL BRANDED/GENERIC/REGIONAL 2.3.3 GB FWs... provided that the kernel.sin file remains same (which it will for all 3.0.1.G.0.75 FW)

Will asteroid Apophis hit Earth in 2036?

Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, and Xiangyuan Zeng of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, have published an article in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA), proposing to place a small spacecraft with a solar sail into a retrograde orbit to prevent an asteroid from colliding with the Earth in 2036.

Near Earth Asteroids have a possibility of impacting with the Earth and always have a thread on the Earth.

The asteroid Apophis – which is 270 meters in diameter – will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000 to 38,000 km in 2029. In 2036, Apophis may come back and collide with Earth on April 13, 2036.

Using a solar sail in a H-reversal trajectory (retrograde orbit), the team proposes a way of changing the trajectory of the asteroid to avoid the impaction.

The impact velocity depends on two important parameters: the minimum solar distance along the trajectory and lightness number. A larger lightness number and a smaller solar distance lead to a higher impact velocity.

Could intelligent aliens be a threat?

Astronomers who have been searching for extraterrestrial intelligence for decades are suddenly saying such an encounter might not be a happy one.

Aliens might destroy life on Earth or plan to eat or enslave humans if they sense our civilization was expanding too rapidly and could harm others, according to a latest study.

The scenario was brought up in a joint study by Seth Baum, Jacob Haqq-Misra and Shawn Domagal-Goldman.

Researchers say extraterrestrials might behave the way we humans have behaved whenever we have discovered other previously unknown intelligent beings on Earth, like unfamiliar humans or chimpanzees and gorillas.

"Just as we did to those beings, the extraterrestrials might proceed to kill, infect, dissect, conquer, displace or enslave us, stuff us as specimens for their museums or pickle our skulls and use us for medical research," according to the study, which was published in the journal Acta Astronautica.

Why should we worry about aliens? The simple reason is that if they can find us, they would be more advanced than humans.

"A core concern is that ETI will learn of our presence and quickly travel to Earth to eat or enslave us," the study says.

The authors speculate that extraterrestrials might try to spread their beliefs through evangelism or to use humans for entertainment.

Woman attacked by "500-year-old vampire"

Texas police have arrested a teen after he broke into a woman's apartment and attacked her, making hissing sounds and claiming to be a 500-year-old vampire.

Lyle Monroe Bensley, 19, of Galveston, allegedly entered the woman’s bedroom early Saturday morning and bit into her neck as she lay on the bed.

Wearing just a pair of boxer shorts and covered in tattoos, Bensley then reportedly dragged the woman out of her unit where she managed to run away and get into a nearby vehicle.

She later called the police who said Bensley climbed two fences to get away from them, yelling that he "didn't want to have to feed on humans".

Bensley told the police that he “needed to feed,” and then said that he has been “alive for 500 years.”

He was taken to Galveston County Jail where he told guards to restrain him for their own safety, police said.

He has been charged with burglary with intent to commit assault with a $40,000 Bond.

Story and source: Yahoo

Boy 8, trapped in chimney

This is the eight-year-old boy who spent six hours trapped in a neighbours chimney after apparently trying to climb down to look for a drink.

Emergency services had to rip out the wall of Richard and Sandy Draper's home in West Valley City, Utah, when they discovered Stephen Hopkins stuck inside.

The youngster, who had been playing with the couple's grandchildren, later told police he was thirsty had been trying to get inside the house to find water.

Asked by Mr Draper how he had got into the chimney, Stephen said he had climbed up a tree in their garden to reach the roof, ABC News reported.

He had managed to wriggle nearly 30ft down the flue, before getting lodged by the basement of the house.

Firefighters were only able to get him out by breaking through a wall in the Draper family's living room.

West Valley City Police Sergeant Michael Powell told ABC: 'He was definitely stuck inside there. Our officers did a fabulous job comforting him ... letting him know everything was going to be okay.'

Mr Draper told the network: 'I'm just glad he went down foot first.

'What's haunting for us is what could have been ... who would look in their chimney for a missing child?'

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ghostly image shocks St. John's wedding guests

People at a wedding reception at the Newman Wine Vaults in St. John's believe they caught an image of an uninvited and otherworldly guest.

Newlyweds Matt White and Danielle Hann said one of their friends was shocked by the digital image she took at the June 18 event.

"Karen [Hanlon] was staring at this camera and she came running out with the camera saying, 'Look what I just took! Look what I just took! There's somebody in the picture," said White.

On the right-hand side of the photograph, some see a figure that seems to be wearing a white top and floating in the air.

"Somehow it's not as creepy in the daylight," said White.

But it still makes Hann uneasy.

"I don't know, it's still creepy," she said.

St. John's folklorist Dale Jarvis said it might be explained away as a reflection or a light flare, but he added that the Newman Wine Vaults does have a haunting history.

"It is one of those places that continually generates new ghost stories. So, this is part of that tradition for the space," said Jarvis, who has collected many St. John's ghost stories.

Jarvis is the organizer of the city's "haunted hike" – a tour of the downtown area that recounts many of the stories he has been told.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage website said the history of the wine vault is unclear.

It's believed to have been built in the early 19th century, and was used by the English mercantile firm Newman and Company to age port wine from Portugal in St. John's – a tradition that began in the late 17th century and continued until the late 19th century.

The building is on a long-term lease from Newman & Company to the Newfoundland Historic Trust.

The Trust has developed the vaults into a museum dedicated to recounting the history of Newfoundland's liquor trade.

Story and source: CBC News

Wart an idiot!

Driven mad by an itchy wart, a man decided to remove it himself – and shot off most of the middle finger of his left hand.
Sean Murphy, 38, used a 12-bore Beretta after creams failed to cure the problem.

But his shotgun surgery landed him in court where, yesterday, he received a 16-week sentence suspended for 18 months for possessing an illegal firearm.
Sean of Doncaster, South Yorks, said: “I’m happy with that. The best thing is the wart has gone. It was giving me a lot of trouble.
“It was as big as my thumbnail. I’d tried all sorts of things, but it wouldn’t go. I didn’t expect to lose my finger – there was nothing left of it.”

Story and source: Daily Record

Legit UFO of huge fake? You decide.

I'm not completely convinced, but I wish it was real!

T-mobile theme engine themes

So you have installed CM7 or another AOSP rom and you want some lovely T-mobile theme engine themes?

Look no further than this XDA thread.

Make sure you drop by and give maxpower47 a huge thanks for compiling the list!!

There's a few beauties on there!

How to root LG Optimus 2x

Been out of the blogging scene for a bit, so time to get back in it!

Anyway, since I have been gone I upgraded my phone to the LG Optimus 2x.

This has to be the easiest phone I have rooted ever! It is as the following will state "a one click root".

Anyway, I take no credit for the following this is simply a cut and paste from XDA devs, from this thread.

All thanks to go to the author of that thread: domi007. I just wanted to add the info on here.

So to root your LG Optimus 2X:

1. Install the USB driver needed to have ADB access to the phone, you can download it from here:

UPDATED: April 4th, 2011

LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981MAN32AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3. 2.exe

or if the link above doesn't work:

2. Connect your phone, enable USB debugging (Settings->Applications->Development)

3. Run SuperOneClick

4. Choose root!

5. Run the test in the end...and you will have it, you got root access on your 2.2.1 LG Optimus 2X device!

+1 I recommend you first uninstalling the Car Home app and F-Secure (if you are not using it) because it is highly responsible for freezes and instabilites (AFAIK).

If the tutorial above fails, here is djmcnz's method:
Use the psneuter option, I had the same problem with rage, psneuter worked instantly.

Optimus 2x, Unbranded, Android 2.2.2 (out of the box, no OTA)

All I did was:

Install LG driver (first post)
Open SuperOneClick 1.7
Select psneuter
Hit root
Check Superuser app

No reboots or shell root required.

Su is permanent, withstands a reboot.

IF YOU GET DRIVER NOT SIGNED OR OTHER ISSUES AT STEP 1, here is something that could help you:

One more guide, this may help you too (credit goes to Maliacrete):

For all those who get stuck at "waiting for device" with the SuperOneClick try running it as an Administrator (right click, Run as Administrator) or follow these:

a) make sure your phone is "seen" from your pc under hardware (http://www.junefabrics.com/android/driver.php). Follow the instructions here. If needed install your drivers from the link on the bottom of the junefabrics page.
b) Download the PdaNet from here (http://junefabrics.com/android/download.php), when prompt to replace the drivers, press NO.
c) if at this point the PdaNet istallation tells you that it cannot detect any phone you need to go back to the drivers problem. No correct drivers (debugging), No root.
d) Run the SuperOneClick and it will surely do the job.

You can also get some more infos on here (http://theunlockr.com/2010/10/11/how...eclick-method/)

I hope you all find it as easy as I did!!

You may also want to check out CM7 on this thing, it's progressing nicely and is soon to be an RC1.

Check it at www.cyanogenmod.com or here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zombies, UFOs, witches ... they've seen them all in Wales

Officers were twice called to reports of the living dead stalking their largely rural area. They were also asked to investigate 26 ghosts, 20 UFOs, 11 witches and even two vampires. In none of the cases do Dyfed Powys Police record having found evidence of supernatural or extra–terrestrial activity.

One of the zombie sightings turned out to be a character from a horror film being shot at Pembrey, Carmarthenshire.

The calls were among a list of responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.

The force said it had been called to about 20 possible visits from UFOs in the last nine years, along with 11 witches and two reports each of zombies and vampires. Under a separate request for information, it disclosed that it was also called to 26 reports of hauntings since 2006.

UFO sightings in mid–Wales include one in Caersws, Powys, in October 2002, which was reported as a "bright light in the sky heading over mountains".

There was also a report in Newtown, Powys in June 2008 of "flashing balls" believed to be two UFOs and in Llanidloes in May 2009 of three orange lights.

Between 2005 and 2010 there were 36 big cat sightings or animal deaths where giant felines were suspected.

During the last five years, the force had dealt with more than 3,300 requests under the Freedom of Information Act, which had cost it more than £500,000 a spokesman for Dyfed Powys Police said.

In response to a request about how much the force had spent on mediums, clairvoyants or other psychics during the last five years it said it did not use such services.

It could not respond to a request about how many officers were Pagan as it did not record "religion or faith as Pagan or any of the Pagan derivatives such as Druid, heathen or Wiccan."

Story and source: Telegraph

Pub singer's 'racism' arrest over Kung Fu Fighting performance

Simon Ledger says he fears she will end up with a criminal record for performing the 1974 disco classic at a seafront bar on the Isle of Wight on Sunday after two people walking past apparently took offence.

The 34-year-old, from the island, regularly features Carl Douglas’s 1974 number one hit in his set when he performs at the Driftwood Beach Bar in Sandown.

But after striking up the melody in front of customers at the weekend he noticed a man of Chinese origin walking past with his mother, making gestures at him and taking a picture on his mobile phone.

He said that he later received a telephone call from police - while he was dining in a Chinese restaurant - asking him to meet officers about the incident.

He was then arrested and questioned before being bailed.

Hampshire Police said that it had been following up a complaint of racially aggravated harassment.

“We were performing Kung Fu Fighting, as we do during all our sets,” Mr Ledger, 34, told The Sun.

“People of all races were loving it, Chinese people have never been offended before.”

A police spokesman said: “Police are investigating an allegation of racially-aggravated harassment. A man from Shanklin was arrested.”

Story and source: Telegraph

Doctor called to confirm headless man dead

When police pulled a headless body from a river, you would not have thought it needed a doctor to confirm the person was dead.

But there are rules and procedures to follow. And a medic was duly called in to declare that the man in question was actually ‘life extinct’.

Yesterday a coroner expressed surprise at why a doctor was summoned.

‘Even though there was no head, and the maggots, you had to call him in?’ Dr Shirley Radcliffe asked Det Insp Chuk Gwams.

The officer replied: ‘Yes Ma’am. They are the experts, we are not.’

The inquest heard that police were called to the River Wandle in Wimbledon, South-West London, last June.

Two Environment Agency contractors clearing Japanese knotweed from the bank had discovered the headless corpse floating in the water.

It was so badly decomposed, it was impossible to establish how the person had died.

And it was only through DNA tests that police identified him as Polish national Waldemar Drobig, 32, a former baker who slept rough and had previously been arrested for petty theft.

Mr Drobig was born in Sunechow, Poland, and was married with one son, although at the time of his death he had lost contact with his family.

'The area he was found in, a ledge under a bridge, in summer time is where the local street drinkers tend to congregate,' Det Insp Gwams said.

Recording an open verdict at Westminster coroner’s court yesterday, Dr Radcliffe said: ‘The cause of death in uncertain.

‘It is not possible to rule out foul play one hundred per cent.’

Story and source: Daily Mail

Artist creates creepy sculptures from bananas

These a-peeling sculptures are sure to make you go bananas.

The detailed works of fruity art - featuring the faces of Elvis and Davey Jones from Pirates of The Caribbean - are carved with a toothpick and a spoon.

But there's no room for slip-ups; each piece is completed in about half an hour, before the bananas start to rot.

When the sculptures are complete Japanese artist Keisuke Yamada photographs them and eats them.

Since posting pictures of his monkey business online, the 23-year-old has developed a cult internet following and gets new ideas from his fans' suggestions.

He has made 11 pieces so far, including a dragon and ghoulish skulls.

Mr Yamada said: 'I started making them about two weeks ago and since posting pictures of them online they have really taken off.

'It began when I peeled a banana and thought it might be interesting to carve a face into the fruit.

'The first one was the face of someone with a smile. I was surprised by how many people liked it so then I just started making more.

'People began to suggest ideas and that was what gave me my inspiration.

'Before I set about sculpting I think long and hard about exactly what I want it to look like.

'Then I get to work. I want people to think they are interesting and not believe quite what they are seeing.

'I just use an ordinary toothpick and a spoon from my house. I'm a perfectionist, and a simple design take about half an hour.

'They can't take much longer because then the fruit starts to go brown and I enjoy eating them once the work is done and I've taken a photo.'

Mr Yamada, an electrician, said: 'I'm looking forward to making many more in the future.'
Story and source: Daily Mail

Monday, April 25, 2011

PSN Down Time

As the PSN network is down I thought I'd post the latest and add my comments RE: Hackers

The latest from Sony is:

I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time. As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. Will keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience.

Now, as much as I love positive hacking such as Android Development and other positive development in the tecky world, I HATE these idiots that ruin it for everyone else.

They haven't hurt Sony, they have hurt us the end users!!

Perhaps they should focus on some good quality hacking instead of being douche bags.

Samsung, Sony and Motorola Themes for T-Mobile Theme Engine

Over at XDA, the user kevin2516 has been busy creating other phones UI's for the T-mobile Theme Engine.

Check it out here.

My personal favourite has to be the Xperia Arc although the Moto Blur theme is also nice!!

Keep up the good work kevin2516!

Kate Middleton's face found on jelly bean

Wesley Hosie came across the unique bean while enjoying a jar of jelly beans with his girlfriend Jessica.

Mr Hosie said he immediately noticed Kate’s facial features on the jelly bean as well as her long dark hair.

‘As Jessica opened the jar, I saw her immediately. She was literally lying there staring back at me,’ he said.

‘Given that the royal wedding is only a few weeks away, we hope to make a few pounds out of it by selling it on the internet to a collector.’

Mr Hosie is now planning on selling the jelly bean on eBay for £500.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are due to get married at Westminster Abbey on April 29. British workers have been handed an extra bank holiday to celebrate the ceremony, with thousands of people expected to line the streets in central London to watch the royal procession pass and hundreds watching events unfold on big screens in Hyde Park.

Commenting on Mr Hosie’s discovery, Richard Cullen, from The Jelly Bean Factory, said: ‘This sounds truly incredible, I would have to see the bean myself to believe it.

‘All of our beans are handmade and this looks like one of our red speckled Mango beans, the natural speckles are unique to each and every jelly bean due to the handmade process.’

To celebrate the Royal Wedding, pop singer George Michael announced on Twitter this week he was planning on recording a charity record as a wedding gift for William and Kate.

He announced on Twitter earlier that the cover will appear on CNN.com this evening as a free download.

Story and source: Metro