Friday, June 19, 2015

Children’s camp forced to change monument because it looks like genitals

One of the most evolved traits of human beings is our ability to spot phalluses in everyday objects… we assume.

That might be why an installation at at children’s camp has been altered because locals have pointed out how much it resembles male genitalia.

The innocent creation of the giant sausage and bread roll was intended to celebrate the local food known as a ‘kovbasa’.

However rather than show a respect for the local Crimean delicacy, visitors to the park have instead been left in fits of giggles due to the monument.

Officials have now decided to discretely remove part of the scene to make it slightly less X-rated.

By taking out the bread role (which people said resembled a testicle to the phallus-like sausage) they hope to have rid the scene of it’s childish humour.

Story and source: Metro

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