Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cat gives owners the thumbs up

The video, posted on YouTube on Wednesday, called 'amazing cat gives thumbs-up', has been watched over 160,000 times.

In the clip the cat, called Jimmy, can be heard being coached by his female owner to perform his party trick of raising a toe on his front paw.

Well Deserved Fail

The title says it all......

Book bound in human skin goes on display in Devon

When Devon murderer George Cudmore was sentenced to hang at the Lent Assizes in 1830, he knew that part of his sentence was that his dead body would be taken to an Exeter hospital to be dissected.

What he probably was not aware of was that a chunk of his skin would eventually be flayed, tanned and used to cover an 1852 copy of The Poetical Works of John Milton.

The book is now housed at the Westcountry Studies Library in Exeter.

It will go on show to the public for the first time on 26 February as part of Devon's annual Local History Day.

An inscription in the front of the book states whose skin it is and his crime.

Cudmore, a ratcatcher from Roborough, was convicted of killing his wife Grace by poisoning.

He was hanged at the Devon County Gaol - on the site of the current Exeter Prison - on 25 March 1830.

"We don't really know why the skin was retained or, indeed, where," said Tony Rouse, senior assistant librarian.

"It must have been kept somewhere until 1853 when it was used to cover the book."
The book is inscribed with information on whose skin it is made from

While binding books in human skin is not common, it is not unusual, says Mr Rouse.

The practice is known as anthropodermic bibliopegy and seems to have been most popular during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Many of the first books covered in human skin were medical books - the skins were primarily from amputated body parts and unclaimed corpses.

Paul Hellyer claims UFO cover-up

He is on an advisory body to the Queen, works as an environmental campaigner and is credited with integrating Canada's armed forces.

But aside from all this, the ex-Canadian defence minister says UFOs are real, aliens have visited Earth and the U.S. government is covering up information about them.

Paul Hellyer says he would probably get fired for his views if he was still Canada's Minister of National Defense today, but is adamant he has seen UFOs himself.

The 87-year-old, who is the longest-serving member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, said he never discussed his views with top officials when he was in office.

‘This is the kind of thing that sometimes they don't tell politicians about,’ he said.

‘I have no doubt that there were probably people in my employ who would have been more knowledgeable than I was at the time.’

‘I got periodic reports on sightings and I looked at them very casually. It was decided that about 80 per cent of them were natural phenomena of one sort or another and the other 20 per cent roughly were unexplained and therefore unidentified.’

Mr Hellyer is presenting his views on UFOs this week at the International UFO Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona, and says he is ‘convinced’ of their existence.

‘We lived too long in a sense of isolation, thinking that Earth was the centre of the cosmos, that we were the only species and, therefore, probably the most advanced.'

‘And when we come to the realisation that we're not any of those things, then I think we should be aware of it (and) learn to live with it,' he told AOL News.Mr Hellyer claims to have seen a UFO with his wife when spending last Thanksgiving near Toronto, and they stared at the sky for 20 minutes watching it moving.

He told AOL: ‘By process of elimination, we determined it wasn't a star or satellite and it wasn't the space station, so there was really no explanation for it other than it was, in fact, a UFO. It looked like a star, but it manoeuvred in a way that stars don't.’

He believes the U.S. has developed new forms of energy at secret ‘black operation’ units using alien technology and that a ‘shadow government’ is behind this activity.

Oxygen 2.0 Finally Release

I have to say I'm a huge fan of Adam G over at XDA and the work he puts into his desire rom Oxygen.

I also respect him slightly more as he is a fellow Brit, and there aren't many decent British devs (most seem to be the other side of the pond)! Anyway I digress....

I've slapped this onto my HTC Desire and I have to say I love it.

Rocking out Android 2.3.3 and being a fully working non hacky rom it is nothing short of amazing.

With all the usual Oxygen goodness this is the most stable Gingerbread to date!

You can find the rom on XDA.

Or here is a direct download.

Enjoy and thanks for all the hard work Adam.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yet another Fail compilation!

More fail!! You can't get enough!!

Is this the loudest cat in the world?

For cat lovers, there is nothing more soothing than the sound of their pet purring with contentment.

But when Smokey kicks off, it’s time to reach for the ear plugs.

The sound she produces can reach an incredible 92 decibels – the same as you’d experience watching a Boeing 737 coming in to land.

Even from five feet away the level is 80 decibels, the same as a car passing 25ft away. Most cats produce around 25 decibels.

Owners Ruth and Mark Adams say the 12-year-old British Shorthair can drown out TV and radio shows and phone conversations with her ‘cooing purr’ which they describe as ‘sounding as if she has a dove stuck in her throat’.

Diana Johnson, of Northampton Cats Protection, who has met Smokey, said: 'I have never heard anything like her purr in my life. It can drown out your conversation.

'It is very unusual and I've never found a cat with a purr that is anywhere near as loud.'

Smokey has become an honorary volunteer for Cat Protection's Northampton branch and is helping to raise awareness of the important cat welfare work they do.
Story from: Daily Mail

Rovers Mix CM 7 Theme

rover.prince over at XDA has now made his flashable theme Rovers Mix compatible with the T-Mobile Theme Engine.

You can find it here.

This is a lovely theme especially with the Circle Battery Mod, and is a nice newcomer to the collection of themes that are becoming available.

Props to Rover and make sure you say thanks to him if you use this!

CM 7 and Oxygen to hopefully be final soon.....

"Gingerbread (Android 2.3.3) update now rolling out to Nexus S and Nexus One. Be patient, may take a few weeks for OTA to complete."

This is what the majority of Android lovers have been waiting to hear. Even those with stock N1's have been waiting but especially the modder's and end users!!

The missing Libs that would make these custom roms complete will be with us shortly and there will be an outbreak of modders and broken servers as we the end users hammer the community websites looking for any updates!

Hopefully we wont be in for a long wait, but patience is what we need now!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Robber drives car into window for beer - can't reach it!

Surveillance footage shows Dr Joseph Grillo breaking the doors of Country Liquors in Seekonk. He then climbs out and walks up to the gap he’s created between the door and the window and attempts to grab a bottle of beer from inside.

However, it's too far away, so he backs up and drives off.

Manager John Wayland explained that the attempted theft caused a lot of damage.

‘The whole store front has to be replaced, so we’re talking tens of thousands,’ he said.

However, despite the enormous cost of the repairs, Mr Wayland opted to look on the bright side of the crime.

He said: ‘Word must be getting out about our wide selection of inventory that people are willing to come at all hours and break down the doors to try and obtain it.’

The positive-minded boss even posted a note in the window that read: ‘Apparently, someone thought we had a drive-thru!! In the future, please just call.’

Unfortunately for Dr Grillo, a nearby police officer heard the crash and arrested him shortly after he took off.

He was charged with drink driving.

Taken from: Metro

Baby panda released into wild by keepers dressed as pandas

The handlers donned the panda outfits to release giant panda Cao Cao and her cub Cao Gen into the Wolong Nature Reserve.

They have worn the outfits at all times when handling the creatures as it is thought that a healthy fear of humans will be good for them in the wild.

When pandas are released from captivity into the wild they are often attacked by other pandas. In 2007, Xiang Xiang, a five-year-old male, was found dead in the Wolong Nature Reserve after such an incident.

The two pandas will now live in the semi-wild and will be monitored to ensure they have the best chance of survival.

Breeding experts will also watch them through hidden cameras as part of China's giant panda training project.

Over in Japan, pandas have also been hitting the headlines as two of the creatures headed to Tokyo's Ueno Zoo from China.

The city's residents showed their excitement for the new arrivals by lining the streets with panda flags, while shops and cafes have been selling panda-themed merchandise and foods, including a cappuccino with a panda face in the froth.

'Infinity Chilli' is hottest in the world

Tests have revealed the "Infinity Chilli" to have a Scoville Scale Rating of 1,176,182 - hotter than chilli reportedly used in hand grenades by the Indian military. But what is the attraction of this insanely hot ingredient?

The story of the world's hottest chilli begins not in Mexico or Bangladesh, but next to the barbed wire at RAF Cottesmore in Rutland.

Nick Woods, working shifts as an RAF security guard and considering his growing family, decided he had to do something more entrepreneurial with his life.

That was five years ago. What was Nick's hobby - cooking up hot sauces in his kitchen - developed into his Fire Foods sauce business, and now the 38-year-old Grantham man finds himself literally in possession of hot property.

Like many great discoveries Nick says he developed the Infinity Chilli accidentally.

Karate Fail - Fail of the day!!

You have to feel sorry for this guy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Football Double Fail

Two of my favourite things now! Football and Fail (with extra double fail).

Man shot dead for eating popcorn too loudly during Black Swan

Image from the film Black Swan
This is from the Telegraph and is just ridiculous!!

Police said they had arrested a 27-year-old man suspected of shooting a 42-year-old fellow audience member who later died of his wounds.

The conflict took place as the credits rolled during a screen of the Oscar-nominated film "Black Swan", according to police in the Baltic state.

Witnesses told the Latvian news agency Leta that it arose over how loudly the deceased man was eating his popcorn.

Gun-crime is relatively rare in Latvia, a European Union nation of 2.2 million.

The shooting occurred on Saturday evening in the central multiplex cinema in the Latvian capital, Riga, at the end of the psychological thriller about a ballet dancer who loses her mind succumbing to pressure to perform.

I'm sorry but surely this film isn't that good to kill for.......

Bownessie spotted!

Bownessie, the mythical younger and less famous sea monster of Britain's Lake Windermere, who lives in the shadow of her northern neighbor, the fabled Loch Ness monster, may have been spotted today.

Two 20-something Brits told the U.K.'s Daily Mail that they spotted three or four mysterious humps emerge from the water while they were kayaking on Lake Windermere in Bowness-on-Windermere, near the western coast of northern England.

Tom Pickles, 24, and Sarah Harrington, 23, said they stared at the shape, terrified as it moved through the water at about 10 miles per hour.

"I thought it was a dog," Pickles said. "Then I realized it was much bigger and moving really quickly. Each hump was moving in a rippling motion and it was swimming fast. I could tell it was much bigger underneath from the huge shadow around it."

"Its skin was like a seal's, but its shape was abnormal -- it's not like any animal I've ever seen before. We saw it for about 20 seconds. It was petrifying. We paddled back to the shore straight away," Harrington said.

The couple managed to snap a shot of the baffling figure with a camera phone before it disappeared into the water.

Friday, February 18, 2011

MIUI rom getting better and better

The MIUI team rom for desire and N1 just seems to be getting better and better.

The MIUI team have worked hard on this and created nothing short of amazing.

Check out XDA for more.

In short, the latest update has these features (taken from XDA):

Updated: 02/18/2011

DIG THIS! From the Chinese!
Adaptation of the Chinese Data2ext in miui official site!

HERE i will put the latest news and development of this rom:
- New development, you can put all your apks in a zip file to install and place it in root of sd card before installing rom
- This feature will allow us to backup apks and flash the rom

Important for the zip file containing apks:
- Filename should be "". Grab the one attached below and store your apks inside
- Valid apk names are: xxx.apk, xxx_xxx.apk, 123.apk (e.g. xda_talk.apk)
- Do not use spaces, shift characters, symbols and other language characters in apk names 
- Place the file in the root of your sd card

- added MIUI Digital Clock + weather (replaces the clock in the main screen)
- added MIUI Analog Clock with small to large widgets (moved to 2nd screen)
- added empty folders for now in the second screen, i might fill it in with the default apps.

- added new boot animation from the spanish (dont be deceive after flashing, it's really a slow animation, lol)
- added MIUI Music (see a2sd screenshot)

- release a 1.2.4 with latest kernel modded by atroy
- added vorkkernel patch download

- initial Release
- adapted codes by atroy
- added activator patch download for those with more than 2 partitions

- Multi partition support + upgrade to ext4 if the installer finds it needs to
- Battery life is great for a data2ext
- KERNEL is MIUI modded by atroy as well to work efficiently with the data2ext
- FAST, SMOOTH, STABLE, never mind my quadrant pics, use the rom and see for yourself

Daily Fail

Ok, so I might add a daily fail to the blog as I think everyone loves a good fail!

Since it's Friday I've put up a good old compilation! Enjoy!

Kitten hiding in empty jar

A mischievious kitten who likes hiding in empty jars has become an internet hit. The young Himalayan Cat - called Ksyusha - is pictured hiding in a variety of places, including in the washing machine and under the kitchen table. Owner Yuriy Korotun, 37, who lives in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, said: "She was a special kitten from the beginning - always very playful. I came into the kitchen one day to find her in the jar. I couldn't believe my eyes..."

Taken from: Telegraph

UFO over China football match

The UFO clip below is making the rounds of the Chinese Internet and the massive online community of UFO enthusiasts in that part of the world. The video clip which was allegedly filmed at some time in the last few days was taken by a fan watching a women's soccer match. While filming the event, it appears that an acquaintance sitting besides them alerted the videotographer to an unusual craft hovering above.

The event took place in the Chinese UFO hot spot of Guangzhou where such events are occurring at an increasingly regular rate. The UFO is seen moving from side to side near what appears to be a communications tower.

Thousands of Chinese citizens believe that their government is hiding knowledge of extraterrestrial activity on Earth and is now locked in a UFO cold-war with the US. Many commentators believe China is currently taunting the US with suggestions that they might very well reveal to the world what they know about alien activity before America does. 

Story from:

I'm not convinced by this. That being said it is a bit strange. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking for new Icons for your Android device?

Look no further than here: XDA

Invade over on the XDA forums has created some stunning icons. I've slapped a few of these on my phone and I'm loving them!!

I think a lot of time and effort has gone into this and they are nothing short of  amazing.

If you like the look of these drop by XDA and state your thanks, the download link is in the OP on the XDA forum.

You simply have to love the customization that can go into Android phones. It's nice to know you can do what you like and not just have the same design as everyone else! *raises eyebrows at Apple*

A nice piece of fail....

I thought I'd throw this video that was on the youtube most popular.

At least it was snow and just his pride that got broken!

Sony 'S1' PlayStation tablet

Image from Engadget
Think for a second, what major consumer electronics company doesn't have a tablet to show? Right, Sony. In fact, the rumor womb has been conspicuously barren of salacious Sony tablet tattle ever since Apple's iPad was announced back in 2010. Oh sure, Sony's owned-up to the development of prototypes that fill a "very important position" somewhere in between its own Vaio PC lineup and the Xperia Play byproduct of its Ericsson commingling. But beyond that: zilch, nada... until today. 

We have a couple of tablets we'd like to tell you about, starting with a 9.4-inch honeypot of an Android 3.0 tablet. Details of which have been confirmed by two highly trusted and independent sources. Known by its "S1" codename internally, Sony is busy customizing Matias Duarte's Honeycomb interface to its own specification. Although, we're skeptical of Sony's software capabilities, we've been assured that Sony's work is cutting edge stuff created by a talented engineering team spanning Sony's VAIO, Reader, PlayStation, and Sony Ericsson product groups. The team is lead by the VAIO organization but will probably launch as a Sony product without VAIO branding, according to one source. Sony's custom-built transitions and UI elements have created a user experience that rivals and at times improves upon the iPad's renowned experience. The tablet itself, we're told, is 100 percent focused on Qriocity, Sony's music, games, ebooks, and videos on demand service that's just been launched in Europe. It comes preloaded with Sony PS One games, a Bravia Media Remote, and yes, PlayStation integration -- though it's unclear if that'll be limited to Remote Play or if the Android tablet will be PlayStation Suite certified. One source speculates that it could very well get the PlayStation gaming seal of approval by the time it ships -- but that's just an educated guess.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yet more T-Mobile Themes

rori~ over at XDA has created some great themes for the T-Mobile Theme engine.

Find them here: XDA

It would seem now that a lot of love is being given to the theme engine after a slow start (not many on the Market yet).

I have to thank themers like rori~ and haxzamatic for the love we get on our devices - none of which would be possible without T-Mobile and the Cyanogenmod team.

I'm still to look making my own theme (only ever made one that was a Ghostbusters theme but then never had the time to complete it properly!). Hopefully one day I will find the time to make one and I'll post it on here.

Until then I'll enjoy all the hard work that has gone into these themes.

Thanks guys!

CM 7 RC 1 coming to a phone near you....

Cyanogen's tweets today confirm that CM7 RC 1 are being dropped!!

With still no sign of the Nexus One OTA I guess this is the only thing that's missing from this jigsaw but at least we now have a test built other than nightlies!!

Check out Cyanogenmod for more!

God I love this rom!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Anti-android marriage activist speaks out

As politicians in Maryland ponder the question of gay marriage, a group of activists from Protect Marriage Maryland try to persuade them that gay love will inevitably lead to the worst possible outcome. That's right: Marriage between humans and artificial intelligence. Listen to the evidence!

At a meeting with politicians about gay marriage, this Star Trek fan explains how if we "set the precedent" of marriage between any two people who love each other, it could open the door for people to marry androids like Data. The guy has obviously thought a lot about this, since he knows about Data's whole "gaining emotions" plot arc.

What's great about this guy is that he's like a Protect Marriage activist from the future, come to warn us about the growing human-robot love problem. And I think he's right. Gay marriage leads to robot marriage - which is exactly what I'm hoping for. Bender would understand.

Story from:

This has to be one of the strangest things I've read in a long time!! : o

Some people have a lot of time on their hands to worry about things like this!

And you thought you had a bad day at work!

For anyone who thought they had a bad day........... take a moment to feel for this guy!!

I wonder how long it took to clean up!

What is meant by magnitude?

So, What is meant by "magnitude" when observing space objects?
Being an amateur astronomer myself and not long into the subject I found myself asking this question. 'Magnitude' is a scale used to dictate the brightness of any given space object, this is easier said than done due to the way the human eye responds to light. It takes a difference in light levels of around 2.5 times before we can determine that an object is "twice as bright".

Stars are measured using this logorithmic relationship. A brighter object ha s a lower magnitude than a feinter one and the brightest objects in space have a magnitude which can be below zero. A magnitude difference of 5  is equivalent to a 'true' difference of 100, so an object with a magnitude of '0' will be 100 times brighter than an object with a magnitude of '5'. The feintest objects viewable by the naked eye are around 6.0 while our own Sun has a magnitude of -26.7.

The magnitude of an object is usually indicated by the brightness of the light reaching earth, which of course can be reduced by dust clouds and particles and also the distance from the Earth so this magnitude is called 'apparent magnitude'. This can be compared to 'absolute magnitude' which is measured from a standard distance from the object of 32.6 light years.
Although brightness of a star is one important characteristic it's colour is also important as this can indicate its surface temperature, in the same way heated metal glows dependant on it's temperature (red hot, yellow hot, white hot and blue hot). Knowing the colour and energy output of a star can be paramount to discovering it's size, as a luminous but cool star will have a larger surface area as the energy will be spread out. 

Ghosts in the Saddle, Blackpool

Have you seen or heard anything strange going on in your local?
It seems if your local is The Saddle Pub in Blackpool, it's very likely you have!
Janet Ingleson of The Saddle says her staff and herself have been having ghostly experiences for almost 6 months!
Objects have fallen from shelves, and a barman believes he was confronted by a spirit in the cellar. The assistant manager thought there was burglar in the cellar and although he thought he could see him clearly, noticed that their legs were see through.
Things have also been going bump in the night, to the point that Janet has been woken six times in one night!
Janet has only just taken over the pub recently, so knows little of the history, although The Saddle is one of the oldest buildings in Blackpool, so will have has a very colourful history.
Janet has appealed for help, and we have left our details from Parastronomy. Unfortunately at the time of writing this she is on holiday, so we'll wait to hear back from them.

Haunting 101 - Know your ghost

I thought I'd add something regarding the different types of common haunting. I don't think people realise that a ghost isn't just "a ghost". They are categorised into different types, and this will help distinguish between each one.

These types of haunting are all based on my (ownjoouk) thoughts, from what I have read and watched in the past.

Residual Haunting

A residual haunting is when a positive/negative energy is trapped in the physical realm, and plays back almost like a recording of the original event that took place. The negative side of this could be caused by a murder or a rape that was so traumatic it is trapped and leaves an imprint in our realm. People may hear or see this violence repeat over. The positive energy could be caused by a party or other happy event, that again leaves an imprint, and laughter and music can still be heard.

With this type of haunt the apparition won't acknowledge a human being there. As said previously it is simply like a tape playing back, so there will be no interaction with people or objects in our realm.

Intelligent Haunting

For intelligent hauntings I have to touch on Einstein's theory..... but as I have tried my hand at quantum physics on a previous article, I'm quick to shy away from this. I'd feel more comfortable not talking about it!

So basically, all I will say is, according to Einstein, we are beings of matter/energy. As we are beings of matter/energy, we are therefore intelligent (or at least some of us are!). We also always have an aura of energy that surrounds us. Upon our death, this energy leaves our body, but where does it go? This is where the theory of intelligent haunt comes in. If the energy can leave our body, then surely the energy is also intelligent as this controls what we see, think etc.

If this energy becomes trapped in the physical realm, this causes an intelligent haunt where the aura is seen as a "ghost", and the aura stll tries to live out daily tasks.

If the ghost appears to be interacting with objects, or with us, then it is classed as intelligent.


A poltergeist is most commonly found i na home with young children (particularly during puberty) as it occurs with extreme inner energy. This can causetapping, lights flicking on and off and movement of objects - among other things. This type of haunting is generated by human beings.

Arguably the most well documented poltergeist case is that of the Enfield poltergeist.

It took place in Enfield, London in the late 1970s. This poltergeist case surrounded the Hodgson family, which consisted of mother, 2 daughters and 2 sons. As usual the focus of the activities was around the prepubescent girls. The entity that was stalking the Hodgson's was that of a supposed "Bill". A previous owner of the house.

Have a look on google for more information on this.

Demonic Haunting

Demonic hauntings are very rare, and an extreme haunting to say the least.

The haunting will start very subtle, almost like it is pretending to be your average ghost. Slowly, these hauntings become more frequent and more violent. People have been scratched, beaten and have terrible nightmares and visions. They also attack while you sleep. The demon is not like the characteristic ones you see in movies, like little goblins. They are sinister and calculated.

In some cases the demon can appear angelic and convince the person it is haunting to do "good", which actually isn't good at all. Demons are also said to follow their victim, and can travel from say the UK to australia in the blink of an eye.

In an instance of this haunting, you need proper help from a priest and demonoligist, as trying to get rid of this yourself will only provoke and cause a stronger reaction from the demon.

So this is your 1st lesson on haunting, I hope you find this educational!

Monday, February 14, 2011

LA Noire looking good!!

I have to say I'm really looking forward to this game!

Rockstar just seem to keep impressing and this is a sure gap filler until the next GTA.

I really hope this is another one of those surprise games that turns out amazing (like Red Dead Redemption was).

While we wait for release check out the above video! It's good stuff (understatement of the year!).

Xperia Play & Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs

Sony Ericson has just launched the Sony Xperia Play alongside Samsung’s Second generation Samsung Galaxy S2. Both of these new mobile phones were unveiled and revealed in this year’s MWC 2011 held in Barcelona. This is going to be another Android handset from Sony Ericson named as the Xperia Play, this phone has a playstation controls that is integrated with gaming capabilities. The Samsung Galaxy S2 on the other hand brings its own pressure over Apple’s iPad and iPhone with their amazing Nvidia specs. See below for the specs of each device as we get a closer look on the Sony Xperia Play and Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs Unveiled in MWC 2011.

Below are the specs of each mobile handset for you to compare. The Sony Xperia Play has a 1Ghz Snapdragon processor and embedded Adreno GPU, applying a gaming force capable of running 60fps graphics, Its battery life can last 5 hours of gaming in one charge. The Xperia Play has a four-inch touchscreen display running at 480 x 854 resolution. Gingerbread or Android 2.3 is added into its Hardware. It has a 400MB of internal memory, with an 8GB microSD card in the box. The Xperia Play can have all the networks, and some of the game titles available are Need for Speed, The Sims 3, Assassin’sCreed, Guitar Hero and Splinter Cell. That is most of what the Sony Xperia Play has to boast about.

Here is what the Samsung Galaxy S2 is growing famous for, its 16GB and 32GB storage capacities, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, an 8 megapixel camera and a 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera for video calls, Bluetooth 3.0 + HS, full HD video recording and playback and an enormous 1650mAh battery, The Samsung Galaxy S2 also comes with a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED WVGA display offering 800×480 resolution, theAndroid 2.3 Gingerbread is also found in the Samsung Galaxy S2. As for the release dates the Sony Xperia Play will be launched in April in UK, as for the Samsung Galaxy S2 it will be on Vodafone and launched by the Second quarter of 2011. there are no prices announced as of the moment. See more on Sony Xperia Play and Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs Unveiled in MWC 2011!

Taken from:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Headless Monk Haunts Thorpe Park Water Slide

Workers at Thorpe Park were forced to relocate their new water slide after seeing the ghostly figure of a headless monk during construction. 
Staff complained that they felt like someone was watching them, cold stops and that objects had been moving around during the construction of Storm Surge.
Mike Vallis, of Thorpe Park, said: “As employees were getting freaked out, we decided to call on an expert to see whether there was anything to report but had no idea of the dramatic effects.”
The paranormal detection agency they called in discovered that Thorpe Park’s latest ride was being built over Monk’s Walk- a path that dates back to AD666 near an ancient abbey and church.
It is thought that the workers disturbed the monk’s burial ground, hence the ghostly experiences.
Managers at the park in Chertsey, Surrey, decided to relocate the ride and called in a forensic team to carry out further tests.
It was discovered that the ride’s foundations would have been over an area of the park where stone coffins have previously been excavated.
Jim Arnold, of South West London Paranormal, said: “We carry out these kinds of investigations quite regularly, with medium to weak results being reported on a weekly basis...Thorpe Park, however, was more striking as results were picked up immediately, with orbs, ghostly images in photography and ouija reaction results being strongest around the site where they were proposing to build Storm Surge.”
He added: “The results were so strong, we felt the only explanation could be that an ancient burial ground or settlement was being disturbed, prompting the extra paranormal activity.”
I seem to recall something like this a while back with the Saw ride?
I'm seeing a pattern here.....

Honeycomb Theme on CM7

I've been out of the blogging theme for a while (family things going on and other commitments but now I'm back to make up for lost time!

I've just been on the XDA forums and found this: Honeycomb Theme

User haxzamatic has created a loverly Honeycomb theme for the T-mobile Them Engine built into CM7 and other AOSP roms like Oxygen.

I'm loving this theme, it's simply amazing and he has already gone from Alpha 1 to Alpha 2.

Looking forward to a final release.

Keep up the good work haxzamatic and thanks!