Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zombies, UFOs, witches ... they've seen them all in Wales

Officers were twice called to reports of the living dead stalking their largely rural area. They were also asked to investigate 26 ghosts, 20 UFOs, 11 witches and even two vampires. In none of the cases do Dyfed Powys Police record having found evidence of supernatural or extra–terrestrial activity.

One of the zombie sightings turned out to be a character from a horror film being shot at Pembrey, Carmarthenshire.

The calls were among a list of responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.

The force said it had been called to about 20 possible visits from UFOs in the last nine years, along with 11 witches and two reports each of zombies and vampires. Under a separate request for information, it disclosed that it was also called to 26 reports of hauntings since 2006.

UFO sightings in mid–Wales include one in Caersws, Powys, in October 2002, which was reported as a "bright light in the sky heading over mountains".

There was also a report in Newtown, Powys in June 2008 of "flashing balls" believed to be two UFOs and in Llanidloes in May 2009 of three orange lights.

Between 2005 and 2010 there were 36 big cat sightings or animal deaths where giant felines were suspected.

During the last five years, the force had dealt with more than 3,300 requests under the Freedom of Information Act, which had cost it more than £500,000 a spokesman for Dyfed Powys Police said.

In response to a request about how much the force had spent on mediums, clairvoyants or other psychics during the last five years it said it did not use such services.

It could not respond to a request about how many officers were Pagan as it did not record "religion or faith as Pagan or any of the Pagan derivatives such as Druid, heathen or Wiccan."

Story and source: Telegraph

Pub singer's 'racism' arrest over Kung Fu Fighting performance

Simon Ledger says he fears she will end up with a criminal record for performing the 1974 disco classic at a seafront bar on the Isle of Wight on Sunday after two people walking past apparently took offence.

The 34-year-old, from the island, regularly features Carl Douglas’s 1974 number one hit in his set when he performs at the Driftwood Beach Bar in Sandown.

But after striking up the melody in front of customers at the weekend he noticed a man of Chinese origin walking past with his mother, making gestures at him and taking a picture on his mobile phone.

He said that he later received a telephone call from police - while he was dining in a Chinese restaurant - asking him to meet officers about the incident.

He was then arrested and questioned before being bailed.

Hampshire Police said that it had been following up a complaint of racially aggravated harassment.

“We were performing Kung Fu Fighting, as we do during all our sets,” Mr Ledger, 34, told The Sun.

“People of all races were loving it, Chinese people have never been offended before.”

A police spokesman said: “Police are investigating an allegation of racially-aggravated harassment. A man from Shanklin was arrested.”

Story and source: Telegraph

Doctor called to confirm headless man dead

When police pulled a headless body from a river, you would not have thought it needed a doctor to confirm the person was dead.

But there are rules and procedures to follow. And a medic was duly called in to declare that the man in question was actually ‘life extinct’.

Yesterday a coroner expressed surprise at why a doctor was summoned.

‘Even though there was no head, and the maggots, you had to call him in?’ Dr Shirley Radcliffe asked Det Insp Chuk Gwams.

The officer replied: ‘Yes Ma’am. They are the experts, we are not.’

The inquest heard that police were called to the River Wandle in Wimbledon, South-West London, last June.

Two Environment Agency contractors clearing Japanese knotweed from the bank had discovered the headless corpse floating in the water.

It was so badly decomposed, it was impossible to establish how the person had died.

And it was only through DNA tests that police identified him as Polish national Waldemar Drobig, 32, a former baker who slept rough and had previously been arrested for petty theft.

Mr Drobig was born in Sunechow, Poland, and was married with one son, although at the time of his death he had lost contact with his family.

'The area he was found in, a ledge under a bridge, in summer time is where the local street drinkers tend to congregate,' Det Insp Gwams said.

Recording an open verdict at Westminster coroner’s court yesterday, Dr Radcliffe said: ‘The cause of death in uncertain.

‘It is not possible to rule out foul play one hundred per cent.’

Story and source: Daily Mail

Artist creates creepy sculptures from bananas

These a-peeling sculptures are sure to make you go bananas.

The detailed works of fruity art - featuring the faces of Elvis and Davey Jones from Pirates of The Caribbean - are carved with a toothpick and a spoon.

But there's no room for slip-ups; each piece is completed in about half an hour, before the bananas start to rot.

When the sculptures are complete Japanese artist Keisuke Yamada photographs them and eats them.

Since posting pictures of his monkey business online, the 23-year-old has developed a cult internet following and gets new ideas from his fans' suggestions.

He has made 11 pieces so far, including a dragon and ghoulish skulls.

Mr Yamada said: 'I started making them about two weeks ago and since posting pictures of them online they have really taken off.

'It began when I peeled a banana and thought it might be interesting to carve a face into the fruit.

'The first one was the face of someone with a smile. I was surprised by how many people liked it so then I just started making more.

'People began to suggest ideas and that was what gave me my inspiration.

'Before I set about sculpting I think long and hard about exactly what I want it to look like.

'Then I get to work. I want people to think they are interesting and not believe quite what they are seeing.

'I just use an ordinary toothpick and a spoon from my house. I'm a perfectionist, and a simple design take about half an hour.

'They can't take much longer because then the fruit starts to go brown and I enjoy eating them once the work is done and I've taken a photo.'

Mr Yamada, an electrician, said: 'I'm looking forward to making many more in the future.'
Story and source: Daily Mail

Monday, April 25, 2011

PSN Down Time

As the PSN network is down I thought I'd post the latest and add my comments RE: Hackers

The latest from Sony is:

I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time. As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. Will keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience.

Now, as much as I love positive hacking such as Android Development and other positive development in the tecky world, I HATE these idiots that ruin it for everyone else.

They haven't hurt Sony, they have hurt us the end users!!

Perhaps they should focus on some good quality hacking instead of being douche bags.

Samsung, Sony and Motorola Themes for T-Mobile Theme Engine

Over at XDA, the user kevin2516 has been busy creating other phones UI's for the T-mobile Theme Engine.

Check it out here.

My personal favourite has to be the Xperia Arc although the Moto Blur theme is also nice!!

Keep up the good work kevin2516!

Kate Middleton's face found on jelly bean

Wesley Hosie came across the unique bean while enjoying a jar of jelly beans with his girlfriend Jessica.

Mr Hosie said he immediately noticed Kate’s facial features on the jelly bean as well as her long dark hair.

‘As Jessica opened the jar, I saw her immediately. She was literally lying there staring back at me,’ he said.

‘Given that the royal wedding is only a few weeks away, we hope to make a few pounds out of it by selling it on the internet to a collector.’

Mr Hosie is now planning on selling the jelly bean on eBay for £500.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are due to get married at Westminster Abbey on April 29. British workers have been handed an extra bank holiday to celebrate the ceremony, with thousands of people expected to line the streets in central London to watch the royal procession pass and hundreds watching events unfold on big screens in Hyde Park.

Commenting on Mr Hosie’s discovery, Richard Cullen, from The Jelly Bean Factory, said: ‘This sounds truly incredible, I would have to see the bean myself to believe it.

‘All of our beans are handmade and this looks like one of our red speckled Mango beans, the natural speckles are unique to each and every jelly bean due to the handmade process.’

To celebrate the Royal Wedding, pop singer George Michael announced on Twitter this week he was planning on recording a charity record as a wedding gift for William and Kate.

He announced on Twitter earlier that the cover will appear on this evening as a free download.

Story and source: Metro

'Dead alien' turns out to be stale bread

A video of the find shot by Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19 - supposedly showing the alien's mangled body frozen in snow in Irkutsk, Siberia - became a world-wide sensation after appearing on YouTube.

Now the pair have admitted it was a prank after being quizzed by police over the stunt.

A Russian interior ministry spokesman said: 'We found the alien in one of the student's homes.

'It was lying under his bed and an examination of it revealed it had been made of bread crumbs which were then covered in chicken skin.'

Now police and prosecutors are considering whether the pair have committed any crime.

'What are we going to do with them? We have not yet decided.'

The bogus body appeared after locals reported seeing an alien spaceship crash in the region last month.

Local UFO expert Alex Komanov from the Russian UFO Research Centre immediately dismissed the find saying: 'The body is interesting. The texture is similar to a real biological entity.

'However, the creature has no clothes and I am sure that intelligent beings would be dressed in something like a space suit or coveralls.'

But UFO fans are already accusing the Russian government of staging a cover up.

'We know what we saw. Powerful people in the military just don't want us to see this,' said one.

Story and source: Metro

Is America’s oldest house haunted?

It's the oldest timber frame house in America, lived in for generations by the same family and lovingly kept just as it was in its early Colonial days.

But what the Fairbanks House lacks in modern facilities it seems to make for with ... strange spirits.

The house in Dedham, Massachusetts, was built between 1637 and 1641 by English settlers Jonathan and Grace Fairbanks.

Today the house is a museum, but it could very well one of the most haunted houses in America.Justin Schlesinger, one of the museum directors whose ancestors built the property, said: 'There’s always been weird things happening in the house, from the doorbell going off a million times to flashlights never working.'

He added that there are sometimes footsteps heard on the stairs when no one is there. Also, a newly-installed alarm system went off every night for several weeks with the alarm company unable to offer an explanation.

If there are such things as ghosts, he said, 'this would be the logical place for them to be.'

For decades now, throngs of visitors from all over the world, from school children to distinguished architects, have toured the house, entranced by its authenticity.Over the centuries, there must have been some deaths in the house, museum business manager Lee Ann Hodson said.

There's even been a shocking murder. In 1801, one of the Fairbanks sons, Jason, was convicted in the killing of his girlfriend, Elizabeth Fales, in a nearby pasture. She had apparently spurned his marriage proposal.

He was hanged from the gallows on Dedham Common in one of the most sensational murder cases of the time.

On a whim last year, Mr Schlesinger, 25, asked a ghost-hunting group, The Atlantic Paranormal Society, or TAPS, to come in and see what they might find.He spent a a night in the house with the TAPS investigators.

'We heard footsteps in the beginning,' he said. 'Up where the children used to sleep.'

The TAPS group made audio recordings all night in an effort to detect anything out of the ordinary.

They told him after reviewing the tapes that they did record some sounds.

'They thought it was kids, because they got some laughter on the recordings.'

Schlesinger admitted that he didn’t get much sleep that night while the group camped out on sleeping bags in the house’s tiny parlor, especially when his cell phone went off in the middle of the night and began playing organ music.

'I don’t know if scared is the right word,' he said.'Maybe startled or confused.'

The ghost hunters told him not to worry, that if there were spirits in the house, they were likely his own family and wouldn’t harm him, reports.

He said the TAPS team told him spirits like to 'mess with electronics,' which might explain why tourists’ cameras often stop working as well.

'There is so much history living in this house,' he said.

The TAPS group returned last weekend for a second round of testing armed with their electro-magnetic field detectors and audio recorders.

Team leader Traci Boiselle, 38, described the outing as 'awesome.'

'This time, the house had a very different feeling,' she said. 'We had lots of knocking and moving sounds.'

'My take is that definitely there is some paranormal activity in the house,' she added.

But Lesley Haine, one of the house’s tour guides who was raised in Dedham, said that while it’s hard to keep flashlights working there, she’s never personally noticed anything too odd.

'If there are spirits out there, they are good spirits,' she said.

'There’s nothing bad. They’re happy spirits.'

Story and source: Daily Mail

Bullet lodged in man's brain for 23 years

A two-centimetre rusted bullet, embedded in the head of a farmer for 23 years, has been removed at a local hospital.

In 1988 Wang Tianqing, who lives in Zhangjiakouin city in northern China's Hebei province, was knocked unconscious on his way home by a blow to the head.

"I thought I'd been hit by a slingshot," said Wang. "I saw a man standing on a hill and thought he'd hit me."

He woke up in a hospital bed, was given anti-inflammatory drugs by the doctors and sent home.

Shortly afterwards he started having epileptic seizures which grew progressively worse over the next two decades.

On a return trip to the hospital for treatment for his convulsions, the bullet was spotted on his CAT scan.

Wang Zhiming, an attending surgeon from Neurosurgical Oncology department, said that the survival rate for being shot in the head would usually be one out of several thousand, but the bullet missed his brain's main veins and not injured his brainstem.

Story source & video: Telegraph

CM7 7.0.2 Stable Released!

Taken from the cyanogen site:

We found a few last minute bugs in the 7.0.1 release and decided to pull it. 7.0.2 is now available which should correct those issues. Sorry about the epic fail.
7.0.2 is available from the usual places (see the original announcement).
Everybody get flashing!!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Worms rain from the sky over Scotland

A PE class had to run for cover as it started raining worms.

Teacher David Crichton was leading a group of pupils playing football at Galashiels Academy when dozens of the invertebrates began plummeting from the sky. The 22 second-year boys had to abandon their lesson.

Mr Crichton said the children had just completed their warm-up when they began to hear "soft thudding" on the ground.

The class then looked to the cloudless sky - and saw worms falling on to them.

Mr Chrichton, 26, said he was baffled by the incident, with teachers later finding more worms spread across a tennis court almost 100 yards away.

Mr Crichton said: "We went out to one of our outdoor areas - an all-weather Astroturf pitch.

"We were out playing football and had just done our warm-up and were about to start the next part of the lesson.

"We started hearing this wee thudding noise on the ground.

"There were about 20 worms already on the ground at this point. Then they just kept coming down.

"The kids were laughing but some were covering their heads and others were running for cover for a while.

"The just scattered to get out of the way."

The teacher scooped up handfuls of the worms that had fallen from the sky as proof they had landed on his class.

Mr Crichton said he and his colleagues eventually found about 120 worms after checking the artificial football pitch and tennis courts.

He said the children had not stopped talking about the incident since it happened on Tuesday.

"I spoke with the science department here but none of them had any explanation for it," Mr Crichton said.

"One of them thought maybe it was a freak weather thing.

"But it was such a clear, calm day."

Kenny McKay, headteacher at Galashiels Academy, said: "The event does coincide with a significant change in the weather in recent days and so could be the result of an unusual meteorological event.

"The students and staff of Galashiels Academy are rightly proud of their school for many reasons, including its record in sport and its beautiful environs.

"However, we never thought we'd be famous for such a strange event."

"None of the students were hurt, although they did find the experience quite bizarre.

"None of them will ever forget the day at school when worms fell out of the sky."

Wiggly wind

Showers of worms falling from the heavens have been reported in the past.

The incident in Galashiels is believed to have been caused by freak weather over a nearby river lifting water and worms and dumping it over the road.

Similar events were recorded in 1872 in Somerville, Massachusetts, in 1877 in Christiana, Norway, and in 1924 in Halmstad, Sweden.

In July 2007 a woman was crossing a road in Louisiana when large clumps of tangled worms dropped from above.

Story and source: Scotsman

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Black Ops Fails

Gaming and fails..... what more do you want?

Baby twins chatting

I saw this on Daybreak and decided to stick it on the blog! I had a good giggle at this.

Woman is addicted to eating sofas

Mother-of-five Adele Edwards, from Florida, is addicted to another kind of snack - the suite kind, which most people normally just sit on to eat their dinner.

Ms Edwards apparently loves chomping on household items - such as elastic bands and rubbers.

However, her biggest weakness is snacking on the polyester stuffing in her sofa.

Shockingly, during the course of her lifetime, Ms Edwards believes she has eaten her way through eight settees and five chairs, consuming almost 16 stone of cushion in the process.

Doctors have warned the 30-year-old mum that her addiction could kill her, but she just can't stop herself.

They said Ms Edwards has a disorder called Pica, where sufferers often eat inedible items.

She even had to have emergency treatment recently, so chunks of foam could be taken out of her intestines.

Ms Edwards said: 'I was ten years old when I was first introduced to cushion.

'At first, I thought it was strange but, after sucking it for a while, I came to like the texture.'

The mum said from that point on, she began eating cushions quite regularly and would frequently swallow chunks 'as though it was candy floss'.

'It sounds strange but, to me, foam tasted like sweets.'

While Ms Edwards' craving sounds fairly extreme, the condition could actually affect her in worse ways.

According to the Challenging Behaviour Foundation website, some people with the disorder consume cigarette butts and even faeces.

Story and source: Metro

Was there a nuclear blast on Mars?

According to Brandenburg, the natural explosion, the equivalent of 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs, occurred in the northern Mare Acidalium region of Mars where there is a heavy concentration of radioactivity.

This explosion filled the Martian atmosphere with radio-isotopes as well, which are seen in recent gamma ray spectrometry data taken by NASA, he said.

The radioactivity also explains why the planet looks red.

Brandenburg said gamma ray spectrometry taken over the past few years shows spiking radiation from Xenon 129 -- an increase also seen on Earth after a nuclear reaction or a nuclear meltdown, including the one at Chernobyl in 1986 and the disaster in Japan earlier this month.

Dr. David Beaty, Mars program science manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told that he finds the idea intriguing and fascinating. But to prove the science, the agency would need to plan a mission to explore Mare Acidalium on Mars.

And there are more pressing issues, including missions to find extraterrestrial life. “You have to assess the importance of the question relative to the cost of answering the question,” he said.

Still, Beaty expressed doubts, saying the geological conditions on this planet and Mars have existed for millennia -- what exists has existed for a long time, and there are few sudden changes. “Rocks are what they are. [A natural nuclear reaction] could happen in another billion years, but it is not something to make you want to go home to your family and move to the mountains right away,” he said.

Dr. Lars Borg, a scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, called Brandenburg’s conclusions unsurprising -- and part of known geological processes, not a nuclear reaction.

"We've looked at Martian meteorites for 15 years, and looked in detail at the isotopic measurements .. and not a single person out of hundreds worrying about this have thought there could have been a nuclear explosion on Mars," he told

Brandenburg -- who once worked at Livermore himself -- defended his research, arguing that defense experts he talked to off the record said they agreed there are signs of a nuclear reaction.

Besides, there's a precedence for a natural nuclear reaction on our own planet, he noted.

The Oklo, Gabon, region of Africa has uranium-coated sediments from a nuclear reaction that occurred 2 billion years ago.

Sheep "gives birth to a puppy"

Vets say it’s impossible - but to Chinese farmer Liu Naiying his birth is a miracle.

For Mr Liu insists one of his sheep has given birth to a dog

The 'puppy' has wool like a lamb but its mouth, nose, eyes, paws and tail look more like a dog's

His 'sheep dog' even plays like a hound.

The birth has prompted thousands to flock to his farm in Shaanxi Province to see for themselves.

Mr Liu told how he found the unusual baby animal shortly after it was born in one of his fields.

‘I was herding the sheep, and saw a sheep licking her newborn lamb on the grassland. The lamb was still wet,’ he said.

‘When I went up close to check on the lamb I was shocked because it looked so weird, like a cross between a sheep and a dog.

‘I was a bit frightened, as I've been raising sheep for 20 years and had never seen such a creature.’

Yue Guozhang, a researcher at Xi'an City Animal Husbandry Technology Centre, said sheep and dogs were different species.

‘It's not possible that a sheep could become pregnant with a puppy,’ he said. ‘It's likely that this is just an abnormal lamb.’

Story and source: Daily Mail