Monday, June 15, 2015

Does this explain more than 50 reported UFO sightings in Texas last month?

There have been more than 56 reports of UFO sightings in Texas in the last month alone.
Lenticular clouds

The spate of sightings caused alarm in the state last month, but some boffins reckon they’ve got it sussed out.

Meteorologists have so far disproved theories of a little green men invasion, explaining the sightings are down to something far less exciting: clouds.

Yep, Texans are mistaking clouds for flying saucers. Bless their cottons.

Unusual circular clouds which vanish almost as rapidly as they appear have been repeatedly spotted in the sky over the large southern state.

The round formations are actually ‘lenticular clouds’, which are created when warm moist air is thrust rapidly towards a barrier such as a mountain or even a much cooler area.

Refusing to give up on the thought of alien life, a sighting was filed on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of a circular cloud which they suggested was evidence of a ‘cloaked’ UFO.

Story and source: Metro

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