Saturday, June 20, 2015

Officially the PSVITA is dead

Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed at E3 that no more AAA titles will be released on PSVITA. 

He did stress though that they will still support Indie titles and that Remote Play will be highly regarded in it's future.

Given that you can play remote play on any 4.0+ Android Device the need for a Vita for Remote Play is even less.

My problem with this is while some Indie games are amazing, it isn't the reason I bought a Vita, I bought it for games like Uncharted and Killzone, and I was surprised by how awesome Gravity Rush was.

I also enjoyed the Assassins Creed outing provided by Ubisoft, but this now seems to be a thing of the past.

This, Playstation Move / Eye Toy, 3D gaming on Playstation and more recently the PS4 Camera are the reason I wont be getting Morpheus for at least a couple of years after release (if at all).

It will turn out to be nothing more than a gimmick that Sony will simply stop supporting shortly after its over hyped release as all of the above have met this demise.

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